Our service catchword is "EXCELLENCE QUALITY SINCERE SERVICE". We hope that we shall become your best ideal business partner and reliable friend!
Sanhe 3A Rubber & Plastic Co., Limited
Our silicone rubber factory is the largest manufacturing center of silicone rubber material & products in China with more than 60,000 tons production capacity yearly.
High Quality
We are adopting advanced technologies and equipments, try to gather, resources, technology and factories in China.
Reasonable Price
We are a professional supplier and exporter of high quality rubber and plastic products with reasonable price in China.
High Production
Our silicone rubber factory is the largest manufacturing center of silicone rubber material & products in China.
Quality Service
We are very convenient and glad to help our clients connect with other Chinese manufacturer and factory.
Our polyurethane factory is the leader and pioneer of scientific research organization at polyurethane industry in China who can produce all kinds of PU sheet, rod, tube with themself polyurethane material.