Nylon Sheet, PA6 Sheet
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Nylon Sheet, PA6 Sheet

Nylon Sheet, PA Sheet
Virgin Nylon, PA6, PA66
White, Ivory, Black, Blue
T8-60mm x W0.6-1.2m x L1-2.44m
  • 3A Rubber

  • 3A6003

  • White, Ivory, Blue, Black etc.

Description: the nylon sheet, PA6 sheet are casted or extruded with 100% virgin nylon PA6, PA66 material. Nylon is recognized as the most widely used and known engineering plastic in the current market. PA6 has the best performance, very tough, even at low temperatures, and high hardness in the surface, toughness, mechanical lower shock, and abrasion resistance. Combined with these characteristics and good insulation, and chemical properties, it has become common-level materials. Its widely used in a variety of mechanical structures and spare parts. Compared to PA6, PA66 own the higher hardness, rigidity, a good resistance to wear and heat deflection temperature. Apply to Bearings, gears, wheels, roller shaft, water pump impeller, fan blades, oil delivery pipe, oil storage pipe, rope, fishing nets and transformer coil.


material: virgin nylon PA6, PA66, MC901

color: white, ivory, blue, black etc.

surface: smooth/smooth

tensile strength: 90Mpa

bending strength: 155Mpa

compression strength: 111.5Mpa

shear strength: 74-81Mpa

impact(no notch): 520-624Kgf.cm/cm2

hardness: R110-120(M91-M88)


density: 1.16g/cm3

surface resistivity: 1x1013-1015ohm

volume resistivity: 1x1013-1015ohm.CM

vicat heat: 160-180kg.cm/cm2

heat distortion temperature: +165°C

standard size: 

8-60mm x 1000mm x 2000mm

8-60mm x 1220mm x 2440mm

OEM & customized size are agreed

packing in cartons, pallets and crates

When you enquiry, pls confirm the material, color, size and quantity

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